Ayurvedic nutrition

Brillat-Savarin’s quote is commonly appropriated today by medical practitioners and nutritionists: “You are what you eat”, Ayurveda understands that, “You are what you digest.”

Our innate nature is one of harmony and peace; and how we relate to our environment, family and diet are the keys to health. 

Ayurveda is a holistic science of healing that believes each person has their own individual body type or Dosha. The foods and diet that are good for one person will not necessarily be right for another. Ayurveda believes that understanding the individual is the key to finding a truly balanced diet which will lead to the body rebalancing itself naturally.

Food can affect our feelings.  Many Neuro-Gastroenterologists today are producing studies that our moods don’t only arise in our head, but also in our gut and how we digest our food.

One diet does not suit everyone.  Ayurveda understands that you must take into consideration an individuals dosha, age, gender, food intake, lifestyle, how they are relating with their mind and their relationships and a deeper understanding of how all of this effects how they are digesting, absorbing what they digest and how well the complete system is eliminating toxins through the channels of sweat, urine and stool.

When we begin to study ourselves, we create a better understanding of the knowledge that one diet is correct for every human being.